
About us

由杨雪婉女士创立的艾洛设计(AURORA DESIGN) ,是一家针对空间设计的高级室内设计机构,致力于打造共情消费者的态度美学空间,并诠释当下消费体验趋势所在。本着「创造幻想的美」的设计理念,历经多年品牌服务与项目落地 ,对固有品牌业态的重新诠释,为商业零售、独立 /连锁餐饮迭代 、展厅空间、高端住宅、艺术装置定制等领域的精英客户提供全面极致的设计顾问服务。先后与国内顶级婚纱摄影品牌木石、W.DRESSES定制空间等品牌建立了良好的合作伙伴关系,受到国内外行业品牌关注与专业肯定。

Aurora Design, founded by Ms. Yang Xuewan, is a senior interior design firm for space design, committed to creating aesthetic space for consumers with attitude and empathy, and interpreting the current trend of consumer experience. Based on the design concept of "creating the beauty of illusion", after years of brand services and project implementation, the company reinterpreted the inherent business of brands, and provided comprehensive and ultimate design consulting services for elite customers in the fields of commercial retail, independent/chain catering iteration, exhibition hall space, high-end residential, art installation customization, etc. It has successively cooperated with the top wedding photography brands in China, such as mushi, W.DRESSES customized space and so on, established good partnerships. Aurora Design has received attention and professional recognition from domestic and international brands. 

艾洛设计(AURORA DESIGN)认为态度是空间塑形的一种必要条件。不以类型化设计作为服务准则,不以项目的规模作为设计投入成本的衡量标准。设计关注的,是在设计之中对商业运营和趋势提出新问题的解决方法以及附加价值。

Aurora Design believes that attitude is a necessary condition for space shaping, we do not take typed design as service criterion, nor project scales as the measurement of design cost. Our design focus on solutions to new problems and additional value in business operation and trends.


